Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I was riding with Emily driving and my dad was in the backseat. We were going to help Dave move out if (or into?) his dorm, which was on top of a short cliff (about 10 feet). Dave was driving his SUV in front of the dorm while we waited in Emily's car at the bottom of the cliff when we saw the front corner of Dave's SUV coming over the edge of the cliff.
"Whoa! Dave's going to drive onto us!!"
Emily gunned it in reverse as Dave's SUV came tumbling over the cliff, landing upside-down in front of us. I ran over to the flipped SUV to find Dave still seat-belted in the driver's seat upside-down, wearing a helmet.
"Dave! Are you ok???"
"Thank God for the helmet."
"No kidding! Why on earth were you wearing a helmet?"
"Like I said, 'Thank God for the helmet.'"
Just as I realized Dave was telling me that I was looking at a magical helmet, I remembered that Dave had a son. The baby boy was still strapped in his car seat, sound asleep. And African-American.
That's as far as I got before Aubrey woke me up for her morning feeding.
Then I called Dave. Had to make sure he knew to avoid driving SUVs near cliffs! Or to at least wear a helmet if planning to do so.

About This Blog

1 finish this list by January 15, 2008(1/15/8)
2 print this list and hang it
49 celebrate accomplishments on day 1001
52 blog all 101 accomplishments

41 go to zilker park
65 go to mt bonnell
100 eat at Katz' Deli
101 go on a duck tour

4 knit something for aubrey to wear
5 make 1st yr scrapbook for aubrey
95 take a cake decorating class

6 sing to aubrey every day for one month
25 quit teaching
28 eat dinner at the table for one month
37 sign-up for "mommy and me" dance class
42 see trail of lights
45 decide if I can tollerate being pregnant again and, if so, start trying for baby #2
53 take a picture of aubrey every day for one year and…
54 post daily pictures of aubrey on personal blog on a regular basis (at least once per week)
55 read to aubrey every night
61 call or email lisa, even if/when she doesn't respond
66 no tv for one week
67 take ella to dog park
68 take aubrey swimming
69 play in the ocean
70 paint pottery with ken and aubrey
71 fly a kite
72 go camping
73 take aubrey and ella out on a boat
96 go to the Blue Bell factory

56 have a girls weekend once a year (spring 08, spring 09, spring 10)
74 host a game night
98 call Jessica and Dave once a month for at least six months

7 floss every day for a month (in hopes that it will become a habit)
9 no restaurants for one month
10 one month without starbucks or equivalent
11 take aubrey for a walk every day for one month (even if it's just through HEB)
12 lose 10% of my january 1, 2008 weight by the end of june 2008
29 lose 10% of my july 1, 2008 weight by the end of dec 2008
38 lose 10% of my jan 1, 2009 weight by the end of june 2009
43 lose 10% of my july 1, 2009 weight by the end of dec 2009
60 go to dentist regularly and encourage ken to do the same
75 get my teeth whitened

13 get caught-up on filing
14 plant a tree
26 replace blinds in our bedroom and nursery
30 get a fire safe
39 paint office & 2nd bath
40 remove hideous wall paper border from dining room & paint if necessary
44 paint kitchen cabinets
57 never go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink
63 file at least once per week so that it doesn't build-up
93 establish a house cleaning/keeping schedule and follow it for at least 3 months (consecutive would be great, but not required)

I can do better…
3 write and send out thank you cards for aubrey!!!!!!!!! Man I suck.
31 write a christmas letter and
32 send out christmas letter by dec. 15th
33 compile cooking magazines
34 do something (ANYTHING) with wedding dress
58 try one new recipe each month
64 clean-out closet and donate at least once per year
76 make a list of 101 things that make me happy
77 leave a 100% tip
78 replace all underwear
79 write a letter and mail it
80 take a cooking class
94 donate blood
97 finish Christmas shopping early
99 finish a book club book BEFORE the book club meeting

15 plan something special for 5 yr anniversary
35 finish our wedding album
36 buy a new wedding ring for ken (he lost his over two years ago)
46 buy a piece of ridiculously expensive super-sexy lingerie and…
47 actually wear it more than once
81 surprise ken at work just because
82 take ballroom lessons with ken
83 replace all of ken's underwear (including socks & undershirts)
84 couple's massage with ken
85 help ken get his truck painted and running well
86 go camping with ken and
87 don't complain at all while camping

money & legal
8 set-up savings account for Aubrey
16 get life insurance
17 get my wedding ring inspected & insured
18 shred old paperwork
19 stick to an allowance for one month (maybe it'll become a habit?)
20 write will
27 transfer title on honda to my name
48 pay off credit cards
50 pay off medical bills
62 get to the point that we can and do tithe regularly
91 create a master list with all "in case of emergency" info (including vehicle & bank info) to keep in safe
92 photograph & document all belongings for insurance, print photos & keep in safe

21 place membership at a church
59 take a bubble bath at least once a month
88 smile at strangers for one week

22 make a new website for STC
23 switch STC from DBA to LLC
24 transform office into a workable space
51 buy new vehicle
89 buy a new computer
90 buy an iphone

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